Thursday, April 29, 2010

seedy, nutty, rawnchy fun

RAWNCHY: raw and crunchy..

i have gone nuts for nuts and seeds! they were always a perfect and healthy "snack". i recall fondly my granola habit formed in my early teens but it reached epic proportions when i discovered ga's granola.. heavenly! sadly, i can no longer feast on it but sans the oatmeal and honey, nuts and seeds dominate the non vegetable part of my diet. they are my milk, bread, cracker, crust, meat, cheese, pate and snack. it is amazing what you can do with nuts! the raw food world has rediscovered these little edible marvels and made them into every conceivable delicacy, sweet and savory. the problem with nuts and seeds is that in nature, they develop enzyme inhibitors to protect them from foraging animals so that they can grow to maturity undisturbed. this revolutionary evolution also makes them rather indigestible for humans.

perhaps a brief nutrition provision is needed here. enzymes are the life force in all living foods (exogenous) and in your own body (endogenous). in raw food, they aid in digestion and deliver their life force/nutrition to the consumer. once food is cooked above 118 degrees, all enzymes begin to break down and your body is forced to activate enzymes from other areas like your organs to do the job. digestive enzymes made in the pancreas are utilized but the pancreas can become overtaxed if you eat mostly cooked food. unfortunately, we are all born with a finite amount of enzymes and they say by the time we are fifty, we are lucky if we have 30 percent left. if you can maximize this principle, you can maximize your health, reverse illness and lengthen your life. edward howell, the pioneer of enzyme research, says it all in his book, but i digress..

soaking nuts and seeds overnight will eliminate this problem. you now have a hydrated nut which can be made into the most delicious milk ( in a blender called the vita-mix you will never go back to the dairy case or the boxed nut and seed milks. depending on the recipe, you will use the nut in it's soaked form or to restore the crunch, dehydrating will be necessary. i know, i know, this is time consuming but so is being sick so i'll opt for time in my kitchen over the doctor's office any day! remember this is a "lifestyle" so beliefs and habits have to be gently redirected! here's a few simple recipes from hippocrates ( see links ) salt and sugar is always left out of their recipes. if needed, use only sea salt, raw honey or stevia. CAUTION: USING AGAVE IS TANTAMOUNT TO USING HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP... they have built quite a campaign and market by touting it's health benefits and low glycemic index..RUBBISH!


1 cup soaked almonds
2 to 3 cups water

blend ingredients well in a vita mix. strain through a nut bag or fine mesh strainer. drink up or refrigerate ( will last only a few days ) you can add any other flavorings ie. vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom etc.


3 cups walnuts, soaked and dehydrated
2 garlic cloves
2 tbs chili powder ( buy fresh if you are unsure about how long it has been in you spice cabinet!)
1/4 tsp cayenne
2 tsp braggs liquid aminos

in a food processor, combine all ingredients. pulse until desired texture, season to taste. makes 2 cups..


use a collard green leaf, add walnut meat and salsa or any desired toppings (avocado, shredded carrot, fennel etc ) fold or roll and serve


2 cups diced red pepper
1/2 red onion, diced
1 cup fresh corn
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
cayenne to taste
1 1/2 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs olive oil

combine all ingredients in a bowl
season to taste
let stand 30 min before serving

this post is dedicated to ga for years of granola munching and for being my first follower, sigh...

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