Thursday, May 13, 2010

grazing in the grass

one third of the earth's surface is grass. it's a global obsession for many. we grow it, mow it, admire it but not too many of us eat it. history tells us grass has been around long before mankind. there are over 9,000 different species of it. countless animals survive on it yet it wasn't until 1940 that we figured out just how nutritious it was and developed it for human consumption. i must admit, i have always wondered how blades of ordinary grass could possibly sustain so many of the enormous muscle bound animals who graze on it.

i never had a single good reason to try wheatgrass despite knowing about it's long reported health benefits.. i "was" healthy and planned on staying that way and besides, i had heard, in whisper tones, about the way it tasted so it was never going to be on my to do list, ever! i laugh now at how this promise to myself has backfired. and yes, the reports were correct, wheatgrass is cloyingly sweet and can cause the gag reflex. it is not ever going to taste good no matter how you disguise it but since the prescribed daily amount is only 2 oz twice a day, i have yielded to the old adage that medicine is not supposed to taste good and that it's benefits far outweigh it's palatability. don't be fooled by the attractive glass and pretty color!

i can credit wheatgrass, above all else, for returning a homeostasis in my body. it took all of three weeks to notice changes especially to my skin. i unwittingly conducted an experiment that proved wheatgrass was, in fact, a miracle cure. before i started growing it, wheatgrass was often difficult to find and in a short while i would have a return of symptoms. this happened three times until i figured out that it always came on the heels of missing my daily shots.

i have still not mastered the growing process but believe me, i will. i am highly motivated due to the expensive price per oz. at the local health food stores. i am including a rather self aggrandizing photo of one of my more successful batches of grass to impress you. when i can do this with my eyes closed, i will be quite smitten with myself!

i tell you this so that you will consider discarding the panoply of store bought and doctor prescribed cures in your medicine cabinet. wheatgrass is a cure for everything, one size fits all. realistically, i don't expect too many of you to actually take my advice but if i can plant the seed, you might allow it to grow into a healthy solution when next you need one!


  1. Nice to see your (healthy, happy, smiling) face!
    I could see trying this...but do you have to really do it EVERY DAY? Can you take WG for a short spell for a temporary imbalance? ET

  2. Love this post!!! I'm a "double shot" person... Refreshingly honest, healthfully inspiring! I hope they listen....
    Thank you again.


  3. Hillary, Tina forwarded your blog to me about eating that yucky wheatgrass! (I'm a chocaholic) but I was so impressed with what it did for you curing you of Lyme Disease, and telling us about that when Helen & I saw you down in Florida, ...maybe I can nerve myself up to try it! Tho what it could do for my balance is kind of questionable! Still any port in a storm.
    Thought your blog was so well written. Maybe I'll be a follower yet!
    Helene Victor

