Friday, May 21, 2010

to be or not to be

is that really the question?

dear hamlet,

to be or not to be is a moot, existential point if your "kool aid" is causing this vexing psychological inquisition. you, kind sir, have enough problems on your hands with murder, ghostly apparitions and madness, real and imagined to be seeking proof of your existence. at least in your century, your poisons were distinctly separate from your balms.. in ours, were told that poison will heal us..

if you grew up anything like me in the 20th century, your parents, through no fault of their own, taught you that doctors and pharmacies are the places we go when we are sick. and like our parents, i passed this along to my own children who thankfully have had little in the way of illness or madness. i would however, characterize it madness to inject their tender hydes with vaccine after vaccine to allegedly protect them from the virulent diseases that hardly exist anymore (hello immune system!) and so begins a lifelong dependency on the good doctor who belies the hippocratic oath with each scribbled scrip and the all important health insurance whose premiums are tantamount to your mortgage payment. but unlike your castle, your monthly offering to the health insurance industry, leaves you out in the cold. peace of mind is an illusion here and the piece of my mind that i would like to share with the medical establishment is that they have just lost another customer. the irony is, that aside from drinking poison or being blindsided by a city bus, i no longer have any use for the soon to be mandated health care system. it doesn't cover my chosen health care program. the drug industry absolutely does not want you to know that healing foods, herbs and whole food supplements would make their pharmaceuticals obsolete. think of the fallen heroes and fortunes lost, it makes me giddy with delight! sucker turned seeker, i crossed over to the other side and the street ( looked both ways ) and found everything an over treated and under nourished person could want at my local health food store.

as is evident in this cartoon,  there are two very different sorts of people who inhabit these places. now that my food is my medicine, i never go to the drug store anymore. which group would you rather belong to? it certainly is telling that we have to spell out the h-e-a-l-t-h  f-o-o-d store to distinguish it from the other variety. remember when the pharmacy was known as the d-r-u-g  s-t-o-r-e? but to make it sound more ambiguous, they renamed it the pharmacy. another salient question might be.. why are chemicals assumed safe until proven dangerous while nutrients and healthy lifestyle choices are assumed useless until proven effective? like hamlet and his ilk, we have really lost our minds but the really, really good news is that one by one, we are awakening to the natural order, healing plants and age old wisdom. we have managed to survive the shakespearian era, the industrial age and so far, global warming and unlike the tragic heroes of literature, our own human failings, greed, ego, power and deception have not yet done us in so let's beg the question before it is too late.. to see or not to see then we can talk about being, our well being that is!

check out this article titled:  "good health is no accident"


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