Wednesday, May 26, 2010

heavenly highs

what's a wine swilling, meat eating, sugar addicted, fifty something, single girl to do when she can't play with her best friends any more? this has perhaps been the most challenging part of operation "clean up". who has this kind of discipline? i wasn't raised with discipline after my strict naval father passed away. i was only twelve when he set sail and he scared me so much that it took at least a year to find my stride again.

i got started early with the usual line up of gateway essentials.. cigarettes from france with fancy gold filters, i thought they would get me high if i rerolled them in groovy tatooed rolling papers.. coming of age in the 60's and 70's, this was a perfectly normal assumption. i even tried oregano and dill, spices from mother's kitchen that had that "look alike" quality.  dissatisfied, i moved swiftly on to the real thing. i found myself in woodstock at the tender age of eleven with my best friends gettin' high with their hippie mother, she was my idol! drinking followed shortly thereafter, a natural segue since all of our parents were alcoholics and booz was more plentiful than tap water. in fact at our house, i am pretty sure it did come out of the tap. i liked mine good and sweet, daiquiris were my specialty. i even brought my blender to boarding school and found plenty of occasions to use it. ahh, the good ol' days..

needless to say, my bad habits continued through my teens, into motherhood and beyond. it only took 39 years for my body to devolve into a vortex of system failure. lyme disease didn't do me any favors but if i had taken better care of the temple, the termites may not have gotten a foothold. and i didn't have the best attitude either if you must know.. that mind body connection was severed early on, a birth defect i guess.. i was hard wired for fun first and for me and my tribe, pleasure seeking was a serious way of life.

imagine the indignation of having to part company with my bad habits? by now, i really only had one. SUGAR, which of course included high end oaky chardonnay and big luscious reds, Mmmm. i still salivate when i recall the mouth feel and the heady high but it is now my work, with a vastly improved body, to find more wholesome highs. to my delight and surprise, they are in abundance.

in case any of you need a refresher, here's a partial list:

1. getting up in the am clear headed and refreshed.
2. exercise. i almost forgot how but thankfully, my body did not.
3. life giving and healing food, it's so much better than D.O.A
4. chewing your food. really chewing.
5. performing "hurricane katrina like" evacuations daily
6. having the time and energy to play with your pets.
7. downloading new music from itunes, i have been living in the musical dark ages
8. cleaning my windows..  amazing view, dim visibility
10. barefoot. take off your shoes people! they are cutting us off from earth's energy. if you want a quick jolt of life force, don't delay!
11. discovering that you are a woman still ( or a man ) having sex, more sex, glorious sex!!
12. young thai coconuts
13. divine chocolate mousse, see recipe below...

2 ripe avocados
1/4 cup maple syrup
 a few chopped dates or 1-2 tbls raw sugar
1/4 cup plus 2 tbls raw cacao powder
1-2 teas vanilla
1/3 cup water
2 tbls coconut butter optional ( makes it richer and thicker )
all ingredients can be altered to your preferences

put all ingredients except the cacao into a vita mix or food processor
add cacao when blended
set in fridge or freeze for a really good time!

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